Project Description

Landscaping Grass


Artificial grass gains more and more popularity over time. People like synthetic grass surface in their gardens, on their rooftops, on the balconies, on the patios, in commercial centers, in golf courses, for event / exhibition floor coverings. With artificial grass surfacing, end users will never mow the grass, water the grass. They can enjoy the free weekends. What’s more, it will be green color forever, even in winter, in desert areas. Great product for wholesale / distribution.  

artificial landscaping grass PU backingcheap soft fake grassC shape landscaping grass

PU Backing Synthetic Grass

Cheap Soft Fake Grass 

for decoration 20mm / 30mm

Thick C shape Artificial Turf 40mm

Stem synthetic grassV shape synthetic grassnatural artifiial grass
 Super Classic Stem 4 tone

synthetic landscaping grass

 V shape 4 tone artificial grass

for landscaping / decoration

 Classic natural artificial landscaping grass