A walk video into our production base on January 8, 2019:
This is Cindy Lee, today I’m working in the factory. Here is our workshop. I’m taking a walk video to show our factory.
Here is the rolls, the finished products waiting for loading, waiting for the shipment.
And this machine looks quite new, we just bought it a month ago. It came from United States, CMC machine. This brand is well-known for high-efficiency & the ability to tuft artificial grass products of higher dTex, 15000 & higher. See the logo of CMC company.
We have another 5 tufting machines behind this one. The blue machine is our coating machine, over 52m long.
You can see there are a lot of carts with semi-finished products, we gonna have to finish all before Chinese New Year.
When getting closer to this part of the coating machine, you can see a quality control platform here. We can check whether there is any quality problem, or any color lines or stripes.
At the end of the machine, there’s the rolling part. Now it’s in the winter. Actually pretty cold today. In order to roll the grass tighter, we have just built the room to keep temperature higher. It’s quite effective, now we can load more rolls into the container to save the cost for customers.
Now is Chinese New Year time, also new year for everybody all over the world~~HAPPY NEW YEAR!
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